Saturday, May 2, 2009

SHARE Poker Ride

Just got back from the SHARE MTB Poker Ride. It is a fund-raiser for the group. SHARE is one of the most active local clubs when it comes to trail maintenance chores.

The ride wound around El Moro/Laguna Coast/Crystal Cove on many of the trails that I ride for training. It was nice to take it at a "reasonable" clip this morning.

As part of my new philosophy, I signed on with SHARE. It is time to give back. While I do several stints each year as a volunteer for various clubs and groups, SHARE was a group that I always wanted to join. I have raced with and competed against many of their members. Good guys.

I'll check the Garmin, but we did about 16 miles with about 2,500 ft. of elevation gain.

There was a time that I was the first one up the hill and regularly circled back and did the climb a second time with the slower riders. This experience has been humbling in many ways since I am no longer the first one to the summit.

Not yet, at least.

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