Monday, June 15, 2009

Training for the Worlds

Did two nice road rides this weekend.

The first one was with the local Irvine club riders. It was 40 miles at a decent pace. Unfortunately, the riders that morning were a mixed bag as it relates to riding experience. All were pleasant company. We were riding in a paceline and the rider in front of me failed to make me aware of a hunk of debris in the road. I hit it squarely with both my front AND rear tires. I recently built up a new set of rims with DT Swiss RR 1.2 semi-aero rims mated to American Classic hubs with DT Swiss Aerolite spokes. Not uber-light, but tough as all get out! I converted them to tubeless using Stan's yellow sealing tape and the Hutchinson Road Tubeless tires performed flawlessly! The resulting impact caused no rim damage and no flats. But I did lose a Polar insulated water bottle that bounced out. Bummer.

Sunday's ride was a solo outing. Down Irvine Boulevard past the El Toro Marine Base, up Bake, up Glenn Ranch and up the Saddleback Ranch long grind to Santiago Canyon Road. A nice 40 mile loop with some decent climbs. This route had been one of my regular training loops, until last August that is. You see, this ride took me past where I had my run-in with that passing truck. Not that I had a fear, it just brought back a bunch of emotions. As I rode past the spot where I was hit, I decided to make it official: it is now in the past and it's now just another place where I ride. Why fret about what I cannot change? Just keep working on what I can affect: my endurance and my fitness.

This week I am in Jackson MS and in the gym every day (ugh!). Tapering for Saturday's 12-hour race. I can't wait to get home for my first real race in nearly a year.

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