Friday, December 6, 2019

A lot has happened...

It's been years. I have new grandchildren and a new business. Shortly after recovering, son Dan and I started Trail's End Cycling in Irvine CA. This was a bucket-list kind of thing. We had been kind of looking for a location before my injury. This put more emphasis on what we wanted to do. Business has been very good and we've grown over 25% every year since starting things up at out first location in Santa Ana on E. Warner. It was a very small shop, but gave us a chance to sort things out and learn about retail. I knew the service side pretty well and that's what kept us alive. We moved into our new location in 2014 and haven't looked back once. In 2018, we doubled our footprint, moving into the suite besides ours. Our online reviews say a lot about us. This year, we added some staff and we're looking to add one more person to our ranks. More later...

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